Visa acquired!

I have news! This week I found out that my visa has been approved and so now I’m ready to start work at the ever-so-excellent Sentry. My first day will be at the end of the month and I couldn’t be more excited; the team is fabulous, the product is useful, and the business model is sound. Not only that, but everyone appears to be funny, too (although I sort of take offense to this because, by law, I should be the only one making jokes).

Joining Sentry ties into my obsession for the past four years; learning how to make great software and being able to see all the problems within a codebase—Sentry helps folks debug issues with their code and suggests ways to fix them. It’s real neat.

Anyway, it took 127 days for the visa to go through and the whole time I’ve been a complete nervous wreck. I’ve likely done a poor job pretending to be cool with it all. So if you’ve seen me since last November then please bear that in mind. I’m sorry.

This week I’ll be sat on my porch trying to unwind the psychic damage of all that sleepless waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Phew.